By Attorney Wyon F. Wiegratz Competency/Free Will: You must be an adult (18 or older) and have the mental capacity, that is, be of a sound mind to understand what you are doing. You must not be under the influence of drugs or the influence of another person. If you...
Estate Planning
Change Of Residency From Wisconsin To Florida
By Attorney Wyon F. Wiegratz The test for change of residency is principally a tax test by your old home state. Usually, your new state, such as Florida, wouldn’t raise questions concerning residency unless there is a homestead tax question. The burden of proof is on...
Titling Florida Real Estate
By Attorney Wyon F. Wiegratz As a licensed attorney in both Florida (FL) and Wisconsin (WI), I am often asked to help other attorneys and help our snowbird clients with how they should hold FL real estate. This often involves retitling property, especially when those...
Florida “Lady Bird” Deed
By Attorney Wyon F. Wiegratz As a licensed attorney in both Florida (FL) and Wisconsin (WI), I am often asked if FL has a transfer on death (TOD) deed similar to that in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, FL has yet to adopt a statute allowing for a simple transfer on death...
Estate Tax Update: Initial Thoughts
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 was signed into law on December 22, 2017, and became effective January 1, 2018 (the “Act”). While most of the Act is made up of provisions that change individual and business income taxes, there were some significant changes to the...
GOP Tax Reform Proposal
The GOP has released its “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code”. Unfortunately, the framework is heavy on generalities and light on specifics, so there is still a long way to go. Nonetheless, I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the proposals,...
How to Deed Florida Property
By: Wyon F. Wiegratz As a licensed attorney in both Florida (FL) & Wisconsin (WI), I am often retained by other WI law firms to assist with estate planning for their clients who have property in FL, are actual FL residents, or are planning to be residents in FL....
2017 Estate And Gift Tax Update – A Quick Snapshot
Every year I like to post a quick Estate and Gift Tax update for you to reference throughout the year. This way, if you’re anything like me, you won’t find yourself constantly “Googling” different estate and gift tax thresholds at the beginning of the year for a quick...